Oleg Soulimenko
Born in Kharkov,
Ukraine on September 2, 1960.
Russian dancer, choreographer and teacher living in Moscow.
Studied movement for the 6 years with L. Korostelina (Movement Theatre),
O. Kisselev (Improvisation Theatre), and G. Abramov (Expressive Body Movement
Class, affiliated by A. Vassiliev School of Dramatic Arts).
Attendance of a course in Butoh dance at Min Tanaka's "Body Weather
Laboratory" in Japan.
Oleg Soulimenko studied with Natanja den Boeft (New Dance and Contact Improvisation)
in Moscow and Amsterdam, with Kirstie Simson (Contact Improvisation) in
Italy and Vienna, Rasti Lester (Contact Improvisation) in Vienna, Anzu
Furukawa (Butoh dance) in Toscana, Italy and Julienne Hamilton (Improvisation)
in Amsterdam.
In 1988-1992 founder and leader of the youth studio "Dance and Movement",
teaching movement and the art of performance.
In 1988 organized the Jazz-Rock Show Group "Gleb Miller Kontora".
In 1990 founded the International Laboratory "Saira Blanche Theatre".
Since 1994 he has being giving workshops in "Body, Dance and Improvisation"
in Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Germany.
Performances in Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Germany, Japan, Mongolia, Italy,
France, the Netherlands, Switzerland.
Theatre "Saira Blanche"
At the beginning the theatre concerned with para-Theatre experiments,
making actions, studies, performances, festivals on the streets, upon roofs
of houses and buildings, in the metro, in the wood, transforming place
and basing in it artistic, theatrical sense.
Since 1992 at the creative centre "Stylobat" Theatre "Saira
Blanche" makes weekly improvising and structured performances, and
since 1993 in that place organizes the first in Russia Contact club, where
professional and starting dancers research a contact improvisation. Theatre
actively co-operates with foreign dancers, musicians and artists. Recently
dancers of the Theatre are concentrated on the development of the Russian
school of the new improvisation dance, improvising action. Under "Saira
Blanche" exists permanent laboratory, where interested creators develop
language of the body.
Key contributors of projects "Theatre Saira Blanche": Oleg Soulimenko,
Andrei Andrianov, Andrei Dergachev, Svetlana Moskvina, Evgenia Andrianova,
Vecheslav Chulkov.