Ivan Sokolovsky is a young philosophy scholar who graduated from Moscow
State University. He has written articles on post-modernism and post historicism,
as well as number of works on leading Russian thinkers of the late nineteenth
- early twentieth centuries: Alexei Khomiakov, Konstantin Leontiev and
Ivan Kiriyevsky. Sokolovsky is better known to the public as a musician
and composer having played in active role in two popular Moscow groups
-- "Nochnoi Prospect" and "Center."
Ivan's musical career begins while still at university when he, being the
sole student in his course "Religious Philosophy of the Peoples of
the USSR," suddenly developed an interest in experiments with sound
and electronics. One thing led to another, and very beginning of the 1980s
he and a history student by the name Alexei Borisov formed the first electronic
new wave group in Russia -- "Nochnoi Prospect".
Sokolovsky remained with the group until 1989. He then did a short stint
with the popular group "Center", created a duet "Yat-Kha"
and the ensemble "Soft Animals". In parallel with these collaborative
projects, Sokolovsky spends much of his time working on solo experimental
projects. Over the period 1986-1989 he succeeded in recording several cassette
albums on which he employed the talents of some of Moscow 's leading underground
musicians. The CD "Pressure" is a unique compilation of Sokolovsky's
solo works comprised of recordings from early '80s up to the turn of nineties.
Ivan Sokolovsky relates to that rare category of artists playing "progressive"
music whose interested range from exotic folklore and academic avant-garde
to new jazz, techno, trance and ambient. Ivan has the happy gift of being
able to infect those around him with creative energy. He boldly solicits
the creative inputs of musicians from diverse cultural traditions and musical
genres to take part in his projects.
(Andrew Borisov. From annotation to CD "Khan's afternoon rest" Exotica EXO 96103)
Telephone: (095) 331-6816