Project "Improvisation in Music and Dance" comes from 1990, when Sergei Letov has appeared in Noci, Italy at the European Jazz festival in multimedia-project "Fable" (Favola) Vittorino and Enrico Fazio. In the project Favola took part famous Italian dancer Giovanna Summo, who introduced Sergei Letov in the world of modern dance. Hereinafter Sergei Summer has organized performances "Improvisation in Music and Dance", possessing specific structure, in Moscow, Vologda, Nijny Novgorod in 1991-1993. In the project participated Italian dancers of the company "Sosta palmizi" Giovanna Summo and Anna Paola Bakalov, Russian dancers Oleg Soulimenko, Alexander Likin, musicians Vladislav Makarov, Youry Parfenov, Alexander Alexandrov, Edward Sivkov, Mikhail Yudenitch, Mark Zabezhinsky, Oleg Lipatov, Heinz-Erich Goedecke (Germany).
Project was continued in 1995-1996 with participation of American viola and violin player LaDonna Smith in Vinnitsa (Ukraine), Chattanooga (Tennessee). In the project took part American dancers Cari Martin-Roussanoff and Avery Warren.
